Thursday, July 19, 2012

One card a day! The Emperor says that!

I thought about learning the Tarot the proper way but my problem is that I'm not very regular. I occassionaly pick up my tarot deck and stare at the picture and try to make some sense. My basic interest has been the oracles so far. But I still find Tarot fascinating.

I came across this site and found some really useful spreads/meanings and associations for tarot and my interest for tarot sparked again. I will start it properly this time and I promise I will be regular.

Starting with 1 card..

The first card I got me is a Major.Major cards are the events that are out of our control.

The first word that comes to my mind when I look at this picture, is father. The reason I say that is because the man looks old and he looks like he is far wiser than any other card in the trumps. He is sitting in a throne and he is not looking at me rather he is focused somewhere else.

There are two Ram heads on his throne, which reminds me the astrological correspondence is Aries which is the first sign of the Zodiac.

The man is wearing red cloak and there is red and yellow in background which tells there is lots of Mars energy in this card. The colours also remind me of "Fire", shades of orange, red and yellow.

If I look at another of my favorite decks, I get that it means authority. The posture in which this man is sitting shouts "authority and power" to me.

He is also a little older (dad's age probably) and his wrinkled hands show he is a hard worker. He is staring directly at me and he looks very powerful. His leg is stretched straight in front and he is probably "too straight forward" kind of man.

The number of this card is 4 which is the number of structure (like four pillars) and stability. Combining 4 with Emperor and Aries and Mars we get a really stubborn person or a stand-still situation.

So after looking at the cards, we have following meanings:

Keywords: father-figure, authority
Astrological Correspondence: Aries
Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Numerological correspondence: 4 = stability, stubborn, stand-still

As a Person:

This person is very very egotistic. His "self" is his first love. He can give up anything for the sake of his self-esteem. This person is extremely self-obsessed you can say. He will never admit his mistakes even when he knows he is wrong. He is like the traditional father-figure, you know, the kind who will never give up on their ideas. They believe they are right and everybody else is wrong. They will want to be understood, but never understand. You can say he does not care whether you are there or not. This is what he actually shows. Deep down, he cares a lot. He pretends he doesn't care because he has this huge bruised ego. Never, and I mean Never hit this person's ego and self-esteem. They will never forgive you.
He will go to extremes to love you and protect you but once you hurt him, there is a little chance he will ever forgive or forget it. Make sure you want to go out of his life before you hurt his ego because he believes in second chances, but he will remember what you did last time and will remind you over and over.He is extremely stubborn. He knows his ways through things. He wants everything his way or you may hit the road, and if you do not, he will!

He is a gem, a real gem, but at the same time, do not cross his path!

As a Situation:
If the Emperor appears in a situation position, you should know that you have to be very calm and patient. The situation is not as easy as you may think it is. It is a tough task because you have to maintain a balance between holding on and letting go. Do not hold on too tight and do not let it all break loose, you get the picture. In simple words, things might get a little over-bearing or over-powering. You might come across a situation involving a very powerful, stubborn and authoritative person. This is where you have to make a choice. If you press too hard, you will just worsen the situation. If you take it too easy, you may trigger all the wrong actions. This card is fire, it may extinguish and make you cold or it may get out of control and burn you. Find a way through keeping balance.

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