Thursday, May 24, 2012

Week 21 with Psychic Tarot

The Psychic Tarot by John Holland
The week is half passed and I'm so late in putting this up here.

Triumph is associated with the archetype Chariot in the traditional tarot. This card shows a man with a flag of victory coming towards us like he has won the battle. The subtle sun light behind him gives this picture a beautiful and happy tone. These are the influences coming over to this week from the last week. The last week was probably the best week of my life. I found some really joyous moments last week.

The card which decides the undertone of this week is The Waiting Game. This card reminds me that this week will be a slow one. I will mostly find myself being alone, waiting for time to pass before what I need can happen. This card is 2 of the Suit of Spirit, so this also suggests getting reconnected with the inner self.

The third card which shows the coming influences, Prosperity Begins, shows that some of the things that I have done this week will probably start paying off towards the end of this week of the next. This suit is associated with physical realm. May be some money or a small amount of cash pops up.

will they re-unite?

This spread is done for a female who has separated from her husband because of some problems between them. She wants to reconcile but he has not contacted her yet. I threw this spread to as if they will reconcile.

1. The Lady
2. The Husband
3. Will he come back to her

Druid Craft Tarot
The First position tells about her. The Empress is the mother figure, the nurturing, sweet, motherly lady. In the card, this lady is clearly pregnant. When I pulled this card I almost gasped, "is she pregnant? Is that why she is desperately wanting a reconciliation?". But then I remembered she is not. I have been living with her for last 3 weeks and I know for sure she is not pregnant. This card represents other parts of her personality though. She is nurturing, she loves her husband and she is a home-maker.

The Second position tells us about her husband. Six of Swords. He has tried/or already has moved on. This card is often associated with leaving the past behind and moving on to new. It indicated travel too. Her husband lives in another town not far from here. This card makes me realize why he has not contacted her yet. The lady in the picture makes me doubt if he has moved on, with another woman.

The third card answers, if they will re-unite. The Six of Pentacles is the card of equality, keeping a balance, giving and taking. It reminds us that when we have something in abundance, we should give it to the needy to keep the balance and keep the flow of energy/money/abundance going. This card tells me that there will be a deal, only if the aspects of balance in the relationship are addressed. The re-union needs for both parties to understand that they both need to compromise, give and take, and be willing to do it.

I pulled an extra card to seek advice. The Hanged Man. This card tells that situation is reversed for the time being. Let it be, is the message. Let the matter be suspended for a while. This will help both of them realize the message in position 4, that marriage is a relationship of give and take. Its better to let things take their time for now.

There are two Major and 2 Six in the spread. Two 6 usually mean things coming together, reconciliation and counselling. The majors remind that there are some lessons for them to learn before they can re-unite.

Friends or LOvers?

This spread is a simple two cards spread.

1. What to expect if we stay friends?
2. What to expect if we become lovers

Friends or LOvers
1. Death: This card is the card of death and birth. This card, when appears, always ends something in querent's life. There is always a chance for another door opening, but in this position, its a negative card. This card shows that this friendship will not last long enough.

2. Six of Wands: The card of success, victory and a very good omen in this position.

The cards are self explanatory. There is sorrow if remain friends and happiness if become lovers.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

14 cards Relationships Mirror Mirror Spread

Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

This reading is done for a couple who have been dating for a rather long time. The querent is worried why the relationship is not moving forward from there.


How the querent sees herself:
Conflict and Defeat
Looks like some self-esteem issues which need addressing. She looks like she is in a depressing condition where she has lost hope to win the battle.

How the partner sees the querent.
The partner looks at her in a special way regarding her intellect and knowledge. This card is like The Hierophant in the traditional tarot decks. The partner looks up to her definitely.

How the querent sees their relationship.
Fulfilment of wishes
She seems to have lost of expectations from the relationship. This card is like the 9 of Cups from the Tarot, the wish card. She looks at the relationship very positively.

How the partner sees their relationship.
Throat Chakra & Obstacles and Challenge
When I draw a Chakra card I also draw a description card. The partner finds the relationship a challenge. This explains a lot about the situation why they are not moving forward.

What the querent wants.
Moving on
Definitely. She wants things to move, some action and some growth in the relationship.

What the partner wants.
This card tells me that there are some matters which are not yet resolved for the partner. There are issues which he needs to deal with, things which need to come to surface before he can start taking an action. This explains why he looks at the relationship as a challenge.
The Light card is also archetype Sun. This card may also suggest that the partner does not want to lose his freedom yet.

What the querent needs.
Foundation and Achievement.
There is a difference between wanting something and a need for something. She wants to move on but what she actually needs in the relationship is the time to build a solid foundation before moving on.

What the partner needs.
Financial and Material Changes
Partner wants freedom from responsibilities, light to guide him, but he needs to make some serious material and financial changes before things can be resolved.

Influences acting in favor of the querent.
The archetype Moon. This card tells us that there are things in hiding, things are not clear yet which is serving  good for the querent. This will give her time to evaluate and reassess her decisions.

Influences acting against the querent.
New beginnings
Not the right time to start afresh. Take this time to evaluate things. Dong anything new at this time is not recommended.

Influences acting in favor of the querent's partner.
The slower things go, the better it is for him. Give him his time and he will come around.

Influences acting against the querent's partner.
This is not a time to control the situation. Its rather a time to b patient and not forcing anything on your partner.

What the querent needs to do.
Be nurturing, mother-like, grow as a person and let the relationship take its time.

What the partner needs to do.
Accelerated Motion:
Partner definitely needs to pace up a little. He needs to make some changes and he has time on his hand too, but this should not slow him down.

In this reading we have 7 majors (50%) cards which suggest some major changes at each partner's own side are required.

Is he the one Tarot Spread

Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Psychic Tarot by John Holland

Is he potentially "the one" for you?

Recognition and Reward:
This card relates to the 3 of Pentacles in the traditional tarot meanings. This card is about getting recognised for one's work. The card relates to the physical aspects. I will take that as a Yes, there is a potential.

Is commitment/marriage a possibility with this person?
This card is like the Magician card, the new beginning, the ability to create whatever you want. This card makes you aware of your abilities, powers and the creativity which you have but you might not have recognised yet. The card in this position makes you aware of your power to make it turn into anything you want. Its "up to you" kind of statement. Be aware of your own powers and abilities.

Influences standing in the way of a relationship:
Conflict and Defeat
This card relates to one's desire to win the situation any way, even if it means hurting the other person. This is what happens when we try to make the relationship more like a boxing ring. This is not helping your relationship at all.Work with each other, not against each other. Losing an argument is better than losing the relationship.

Influences acting in favor of a relationship.
Discontent and Boredom:
If you have been facing both of these things in your life right now, this card is a reminder that this element for having an adventure or having some fun together is what is bringing you two closer. Find some activity to do together.

What can the querent do to help (or be ready for) this person (to) become part of their life?
Be true, to yourself and to this person. Do not fake your feelings and do not fake the relationship. Get in touch with yourself and find what is it that you actually want from this relationship. The truth will help you in getting ready for them to enter your life.

What does this person need to do before they are ready to become part of the querent's life?
Passion Ignited
This explains the Discontent and Boredom card. You need to ignite the passion, find the spark, before you actually become a permanent part of their life.

Will the querent be happy with this person?
Choose Wisely
Happiness cannot be measured neither can it be weighed or searched for because it is lying inside us all along. We get distracted and de-tracked resulting in being unhappy, but actually you can always choose to be happy.

Ready to Commit Spread

Original post and author here

I did this spread for myself, regarding this situation with a Man who just re-entered my life.

Paulina Tarot Decks
by Paulina Cassidy, 2008

The cards meanings:

The Left column: If commit:
Short-term outcome:
The Hermit: This is a card of self-reflection, meditation, soul-searching and finding answers and solutions to problems within one self. This tells me if I commit, in short-term I will find myself trying to look for truth, may be inside myself. The card is also the card of detachment, not feeling like romance or love, rather being more introspective.Turning cold, in other words.

Long-Term outcome:
Four of Coins
Four of Coins is the card where one is blocking oneself may be out of fear that someone might take away what you have. This card also is the card for holding on to things longer than necessary, living in a fear of losing them. Basically an insecurity. I feel this way usually when someone or something is important to me. So if committing to someone suggests this in long-term, it makes very much sense.

The Right Column: If I do not commit:
Short-term outcome:
Three of Swords:
It will break my heart. That is so apparent. If I tell him I'm not ready to commit he will get into the Four of Coins phase and in that he will hurt me.

Long-Term Outcome:
The Magician
I often get this card when I ask for help from tarot regarding my love life. This card makes you believe that you are capable of creating miracles. This card also signifies new beginnings, energy, learning and skill acquisition.

Central card: The Advice:
Ten of Cups:
The wonderful relationships card. This card in advice position tells me to not only think about myself, and my personal goals and wishes but also think about the people who are around me. This card is the card of family. I should not only think what I want, I need to reconsider my family's happiness as well.This can include him too.

How can I incorporate this advice:
 Page of Swords and The Chariot
Pages are the learners. The Page of Swords has a thirst for knowledge, and analysing what they learn. This also represents a matter which is in infancy. The Chariot is card of victory, moving fast, and willpower.The Chariot may also mean steadying one's horses (power) in one direction.

This together tells me that the advice can be incorporated by observing the surroundings, how things are going what is happening, and then using the willpower and the knowledge together I will be able to find the ultimate emotional fulfilment which is the advice given by the reading.

The Magic Door Spread by Lisa Frideborg Lloyd

The spread original author and explanation here.

This spread relates to a Lady who is in a confused state whether or not to open the door to reach back the person she recently cut ties with, but now wants him back.

1. Your motivation – The first card shows you the real underlying reason for your desire to reconnect. It indicates if you want them back to soothe a bruised ego or if there is true love there. It tells you if you feel that you didn’t learn all you needed to learn or if you are just struggling with letting go.

The Star: This is the card of hope and spiritual guidance. When this card appears in your spread, you know that your spiritual guides are watching over you. As a motivation, this shows that you see hope with this person. You know somewhere in your heart that he is the right person for you or you want to give you two a chance to reach the higher level of spiritual fulfilment. This is the reason you want to make your way back in his life.

2. & 3. What you had – These two cards represent the relationship dynamic you had in the past and sheds further light on the first card.

King of Cups and 5 of Wands

The King of Cups is a man who is family-oriented, emotional, caring, supportive. Basically a very kind and loving man. This explains why you see hope with this person. May be he is the ideal or close to the ideal man you want to be with. But the 5 of Wands show that there have been some competition, some conflicts which needed resolution. This card is a card of competition, so the King of Cups can also be the other person who influenced the situation by making it a competition in the past.

4. The handle – This card shows you what action you would need to take to reconnect. A card such as The Hanged Man shows that it won’t matter what you do, you’ll just have to surrender and wait for the future to unfold. Look for the Fire (Wands+Majors) and Air (Swords+Majors) cards to indicate that taking action will pay off.

Queen of Coins, which is Earth. No Fire and Swords. The Queen of Coins is the feminine, nurturing, home and hearth kind of lady. she is nurturing, she enjoys good things around her and is always admiring whatever she has. The strategy here is the stereotypical feminine one. Do not chase it, but be available and let them come to you. This card also reminds you to get in touch with your more natural side, enjoy the good things in you and around you which are natural, no superficiality. Queen of Coins is not the action Queen, she is just the kind of woman who enjoys nature and what it has to offer.

5. The lock – This is the main challenge/obstacle that lies between you and your AWOL lover.

The Lovers. This card in this position was a confusion for me. This card is the ultimate card of love, the card of relationship then why is it a challenge? Then I realized that this card is also associated with Gemini and duality. The challenge is to merge the two, forget the individuality.The challenge is the duality associated with this card.

6. An outside influence currently affecting the situation – Queen of Wands:

She is a fiery, action-oriented and dominating woman. She needs to be on top of the situation every time. This is a woman with lot of fire energy. She is an active, upbeat woman or another part of your personality that is influencing the situation.

To see two ladies from opposite suits, and the Lovers between them as a door, The challenge is clarified. This lady in question needs to modify her energy in order to unlock the door to reconnect to the person. The Two Queens are the opposites that need to be balanced, merged, and then utilize that energy to unlock the door. The Lovers is also a card of Choices, so this also shows that she needs to make a choice between the two personalities she has, the Queen of Wands and the Queen of Coins. The obstacle lies within her, not in the relationship.

7. 8. & 9. What lies on the other side of the door – If you know that it is best not to push through, you’ll at least have some idea of what is happening there and why things are best left alone. He could have moved on emotionally or he could be struggling with stuff that you can’t help him with.

Temperance, 3 of Cups and 8 of Pentacles

Temperance is the card of mixing and matching, striking a balance, forgiving yourself and keeping calm. The 3 of Cups is the card of reunion and celebration, rejoice and happiness. The 8 of Pentacles is the skills, being busy in completing your task, learning a new skill and getting the project done. The cards together suggest that on the other side of door, she will learn to strike a balance with enjoyment and working both at same times.She might have to do some work to reconnect, but it will pay off eventually.

10. The key – If you received a green light for using that door handle, then this is the key that unlocks the lock and gives you the understanding you need to open the door.

With the presence of Star, Lovers, the problem being identified and Temperance and 3 of Cups for future position, I pulled a 10th card,

Page of Coins:

The Handle being Queen of Coins and the Key being Page of Coins, there is strong emphasis on using the earthy energy. The requirement of the situation is being slow, stable, consistent and determined. Being fiery or energetic will not help the situation. The Coins in both position tell me that the matter needs to be handled very slowly, there is no room for being hasty.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Week 20 with Psychic Tarot

I'm sensing this deck picks up on my mental energy rather easily and quickly so I will carry on with it for this weekly draw as well.

The cards this week are;

The Psychic Tarot, week 20

As usual, the matter which is bothering me the most at the moment, the mental conflict, it has appeared here too. This card is like the Two of Swords. This is when you are faced with a choice and you have to pick one.

The Crown Chakra card is reminding me to focus on the Crown hakra which fits perfectly given the Mental Conflict card and the last beautiful card which symbolizes Harmony, the tarot equivalent of The Lovers.

The story looks like, I have mental conflict regarding a person. The cards are telling me that if I focus on my Crown Chakra, I can restore harmony between us.

Best advice so far!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Week reading with The Psychic Tarot by John Holland

Destiny is the card which is like the Wheel of Fortune in RWS. This card tells us there is destiny at work and there is nothing much you can do so stay put and enjoy the ride. It also represents something destined to come your way, something you cannot get out of.

Solitude is the Hermit equivalent. This card gives us time to do some self-reflection, self-discovery and self-analysis. In the picture this lady is sitting and she has a book which is opened up. This is a time to gather knowledge about oneself and find all the answers within.

The final card, Passion Ignited is the Ace of Spirit suit. I drew the same card last week and I was feeling a strong spiritual energy burning in me. The spirit suit deals with passion, spiritual inspiration, power and confidence. Its like the Ace of Wands in traditional system. This card gave me lots of energy and raw force to pull myself through rough times last week as well. Looking forward to more of it.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Full Moon in Scorpio spread

This spread is a property of Lisa Fridegborg Lloyd here.

This reading has been done for a 22 years old female.
Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti

1. Your pulling power
This is what is attracting people to you now. Knight of Coins. Knight of Coins is a very practical approach to life. Knigh of Coins is the slowest in terms of taking action among the Knights. This Knight will not just jump into situations rather will take some time before the actually take any step. This practical approach combined with wisdom and reluctance to be impulsive and hasty is what attracts people towards you right now.

2. What you are currently attracting
This card tells what kind of relationships you are attracting now.

10 of Swords
Probably the worst card for this position. Right now you are attracting those relationships which leave in a state of misery and self-pity. You end up blaming yourself and your lack of insight when the relationships end.

3. What you need to leave behind in order to bring in something new
Justice. This is very interesting card to have in one's spread. This card talks about a strong sense of justice, a strong sense of being honest in relationships but here in this position its telling you to question if you are being too fair? Ask your self questions like do I lack Bias? am I looking at love from too strong an angle? This will help you realizing that may be you need to relax a little bit and let things happen on their own instead of trying to give them a balance. Sometimes things balance themselves out once they are left to handle themselves.

4. Your deepest, darkest desire
King of Swords

He is a man who is mentally very strong, very just (look at justice card) , a scientist, a logical head-driven individual who is intellectual. This is the kind of man you want for yourself.

5. What is coming in the time leading up to the next Full Moon
Page of Wands:
Expect some messages of love and affection . There is a person, with whom you might find a lot in common and is quite adventuresome, may enter your life. Take a chance and fly with them. The energy of wands will help you getting over whatever has happened in the past.

Lessons and Challenges Relationship Tarot Spread

This spread is a property of Lisa Fridegborg Lloyd here.

This spread has been done for two people, who are in a confused friends-lovers state of relationship and have reconnected to each other after a break of 3-4 months.

The psychic Tarot by John Holland
1. Your Current Lesson
Suffering in Silence. Many times in life we are faced by challenges and we are faced by some harsh realities. Sometimes we get to react strongly, but at other times we have to learn to be quiet, no matter how bad it hurts and how bad the situation gets, its wiser to stay quiet just to let the relationship grow on its own.

2. Your Current Challenge
Triumph. Victory means different things to different people. Here this card associates with the current lesson. One does not always win by fighting back, sometimes the one who is more patient also wins the situation over.
3. Your Partner’s Current Lesson
Base Chakra. This Chakra is associated to the very core of a person. This chakra is associated with the colour red and is present at the root of spinal column. In the spiritual lessons term, this chakra relates to the material world lessons. The emotional and mental issues with this chakra are the belief and self-esteem, feelings of security and family. The partner needs to work on their self-esteem. his probably be the reason why the relationship is going back and forth.

4. Your Partner’s Current Challenge
Victory and Success. This is the interesting part because both partners are challenged to win, and they both can if they work together in one direction instead of fighting each other off.

5. Your Lesson as Couple
Conflict and Defeat. This card is the card of giving up. This also relates to the first partner's lesson. Sometimes you have to give up in order to win the relationship.

6. Your Challenge as a Couple
Spiritual Union: We see a really nice card here. Conflicts, arguments, and above all ego, are the things which eat up at a relationship. The couple is facing a challenge of spiritual union instead of a physical or mental union. They achieve that, make their spirits work on same frequency and the relationship will not be a challenge anymore.

7. Advice About the Best Course of Action
The Waiting Game. aww something are meant to happen on their own time and no matter what we do, we can not push the matter. This is the thing here with this couple. They can do nothing but let time take its course.

8. The Outcome (Provided the Advice is Acted On)
Partnership and Aliances.Finally they have something worth it in the end. If they wait, instead of trying to push their relationship from one state to another or push back to the former state, there is a strong chance they end up being partners where spiritual union also exists.