Saturday, May 19, 2012

Is he the one Tarot Spread

Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Psychic Tarot by John Holland

Is he potentially "the one" for you?

Recognition and Reward:
This card relates to the 3 of Pentacles in the traditional tarot meanings. This card is about getting recognised for one's work. The card relates to the physical aspects. I will take that as a Yes, there is a potential.

Is commitment/marriage a possibility with this person?
This card is like the Magician card, the new beginning, the ability to create whatever you want. This card makes you aware of your abilities, powers and the creativity which you have but you might not have recognised yet. The card in this position makes you aware of your power to make it turn into anything you want. Its "up to you" kind of statement. Be aware of your own powers and abilities.

Influences standing in the way of a relationship:
Conflict and Defeat
This card relates to one's desire to win the situation any way, even if it means hurting the other person. This is what happens when we try to make the relationship more like a boxing ring. This is not helping your relationship at all.Work with each other, not against each other. Losing an argument is better than losing the relationship.

Influences acting in favor of a relationship.
Discontent and Boredom:
If you have been facing both of these things in your life right now, this card is a reminder that this element for having an adventure or having some fun together is what is bringing you two closer. Find some activity to do together.

What can the querent do to help (or be ready for) this person (to) become part of their life?
Be true, to yourself and to this person. Do not fake your feelings and do not fake the relationship. Get in touch with yourself and find what is it that you actually want from this relationship. The truth will help you in getting ready for them to enter your life.

What does this person need to do before they are ready to become part of the querent's life?
Passion Ignited
This explains the Discontent and Boredom card. You need to ignite the passion, find the spark, before you actually become a permanent part of their life.

Will the querent be happy with this person?
Choose Wisely
Happiness cannot be measured neither can it be weighed or searched for because it is lying inside us all along. We get distracted and de-tracked resulting in being unhappy, but actually you can always choose to be happy.

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