Friday, July 20, 2012

Relationship Cross Spread

Originally found here

This spread is done for a couple who is having a good/bad time and they have no idea where they are heading.

1. Querent's position in the relationship:
Two of Swords:
Two is a number of duality, choices and partnership. The suit of Swords is associated with mind and thinking. With Mercury being retrograde, we find the querent in a position of tension and mental dilemma. He is unable to decide what he wants to do and this is keeping him blocked. In the card we can see the lady sitting in front of two roads going in opposite directions. She has sort of given up on situation the
 way she is sitting crossing the swords at her heart, She is not sure or she is hesitant to make a choice.
2. Querent's partner's position in the relationship:
The Tower
This card is about your whole world falling apart. This usually happens out of blue when something just happens and the next moment everything around you is just breaking loose. It looks like the partner is ruined or destructed in the relationship. It can also be a way to break everything and then starting afresh.In the picture we can see the lightening has struck and things are falling apart. People are jumping out of window to rescue themselves.
3. The past
Nine of Cups
This is the wish card of the deck. When this card appears consider yourself lucky because your biggest wish will be fulfilled. In the past position we can say that they have been very happy in the past. They wished for each other and the basis of the relationship is their wish to be with each other.

4. What is between them right now:
Eight of Swords
Eight is the number of balance and karma. Swords is the suit of mind and intellect. This card tells us that there are problems, possibly to do with communication with this couple. There are misunderstandings between them. Here we see a lady blindfolded (not knowing the facts) and her hands are tied (helplessness) and there are swords around her (problems and misunderstandings).

5. The future:
Eight of Cups
Another eight.Here we see the couple leaving old problems and misunderstandings behind and moving to the new happier times. There can be a change of scene for better between them. But right now there is a need to find a distraction from each other. This card shows feeling of being dejected.

Summary: Right at this time things are not right between them. There are problems which need clear communication. I pulled one extra card as "ADVICE" card to improve the situation and no doubt, I pulled

This card tells the couple to be clear to each other, talk things through and start afresh. There is a need to be "LOUD" and clear with each other.

The Spread has 2 swords, 2 cups and 1 major in this spread excluding the advice card. The Swords and Cups are Air and Water which are friendly but passive. There is a need to be calm and talk things through.The Past , Present and Future positions are 9, 8 and 8 which show that things have rather gone a notch down between them and will remain like now for a little time in to future. 8 appeared twice which is also the number for manifestation, karma and ego. They must let go of their selfishness in order to save the relationship.

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