Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wheel of Fortune

My one card a day study is going well and its my 3rd day today and I'm pulling a major everyday so far.

The card I pulled today is:

This card is one card which I used to pull a lot when I was going through a transition phase in my life. This card is all about destiny, which is out of your hands. This is why this card is a wheel up in clouds, beyond your control. When this card appears you know that things are not in your control.

One main theme associated with this card is change and an unavoidable change in situation. This change will not be sudden like The Tower, it will be gradual. The Wheel of Fortune will spin and things will change for you. What is down may go up and what is up now may go down,it can be either of the two cases.

The Wheel is a symbol which describes our life. Life goes in cycles, neither the good times nor the bad times last forever. Besides that the spinning of the wheel can be associated with movement forward. Overall it is a positive card because it assures there is a change in the situation coming.

Keywords: destiny, movement
Astrological association: Jupiter which rules Thursday.
Numerological association: 10 = 1 which is the card of beginnings, invention and creativity.

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