Thursday, July 26, 2012

Relationship Problem Solving Spread

Original spread here
Deck images used: Druidcraft Tarot

Card 1: The problem, the real question; present situation, reason for asking.
Wheel of Fortune

Cards 2,3,4,5 and 6 represent the nature of the relationship.

Card 2: Shows how you relate to the other person.  Strength
Card 3: Shows how the other person relates to you. The Magician
Card 4: Shows what the relationship looks like as a whole. The High Priestess
Card 5: Shows your hopes, needs and desires in the relationship. Page of Wands
Card 6: Shows the other person's hopes, needs, and desires in the relationship.
Six of Swords

The Wheel of Fortune as card one shows that there has been some fateful event, some thing that happened out of the control of both persons involved and this has brought a crucial matter up. The wheel of Fortune is a change, a movement and a next chapter card. There are some big changes happening in the relationship.

The way these two people relate to each other is very different. One person is compassionate and understanding while the other person is trying to be the master-mind and Mr. know-it-all. Magician is also someone who cons other people but he has vast mental power. We see infinity sign on both cards, they both have limitless energy in this relationship. The Magician is also the powerful and the controlling one, the master at his game. 

On the whole the relationship looks deep and mysterious. Things are not completely revealed yet. There is a great effect of going with intuition and following one's guts here. Overall the relationship looks serene and composed but who knows what lies behind the curtain.

Cards 5 & 6 shows they both want, hope and desire same thing, change, adventure, a new outlook. Both 6 of Swords and Page of Wands are the cards of adventure and leaving things behind and moving on. But If we look closely, they both are moving in opposite direction. 

Cards 7,8,9, represent conflicts and insights into impediments.

Card 7: What is causing conflict or impediments. Ace of Wands
Card 8: Represents your perspective of the problem and how you will deal with it. Five of Wands
Card 9: Represents the other person's perspective on the problem and how they will deal with. The Devil

This card Ace of Wands shows there is a new beginning and the raw power and the energy is becoming difficult to handle for both individuals. 

The person 1 is taking the confrontation door to solve this issue while the other person is playing mysterious and cold here. The shadow of the Devil behind the sleeping lovers shows that this person does not want to confront the situation, he wants to play dark and illusive. He wants to remain a slave to some illusion he has created about the dynamics of this relationship in which things are happy and content and he is the master.

Looking at the people, person 1 is very understanding and compassionate in the relationship but her actions are too child-like. She wants kiddish stuff. To solve the problem she wants to confront the problem heads on.

The guy in the situations is powerful and he believes he can make the relationship go in any direction he wants. He hopes and seeks a change in his life through this relationship but he does not want to solve the problem, he rather wants to stay a slave to his illusions.

Cards 10, 11, 12 offers insight and solutions

Card 10: What needs to change to overcome challenges. Two of Wands
Card 11: This is how you can resolve any differences and how you can improve the relationship and take it to the next level. Ten of Swords

The Two of Wands is usually a stubborn person who is waiting for something to arrive This aspect of the relationship needs to change.This is the card of personal power and both individuals need to realize that relationship is not about their personal power play.
The differences can be resolved by putting an end to the older themes and patterns of the relationship. The 10 of Swords calls for an end to old habits and behaviors.

Card 12: Crucial Insight; additional advice or outcome.

Ace of Swords in this position shows that there will be a new fresh start, with a clear understanding of the relationship. This is also a card of mental clarity which will be the essence of the relationship if the advice is followed.

Overall we have 5 majors, 4 wands and 3 swords. There are two aces.
A majority of major arcana reveals that there are things which are out of control of the querent. A majority of wands on querent 1's side shows she is more hasty and impulsive. The suit of Cups is missing and also Pentacles. There is a lack of emotional understanding and a lack of practicality. Things are just heated up and blowing and will cool off shortly.

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