Friday, July 20, 2012

The Justice

The reason I do not want to study the cards one by one in their original order or the numerological order because few years ago I came across this web-site where once you subscribe you will receive an email from them at random times and the card described in the email will be a random one. I have received almost 30 emails from them and most often they arrive at a time when I will be needing the advice given in them given the situations around me. I have found the synchronization of Universal events works the best.

This is why I will pick up a random card, believing there is a special message. This is the lesson universe wants me to learn right now.

The card I pulled out today is 11-Justice.

First thing we see here is this man is also wearing red cloak. He is among the other three men in the major arcana who are wearing red cloaks (The Magician, The Emperor and The Hierophant).

Justice card is about doing the right thing. Universe is Just, God is Just, we should be Just too. This card also holds the message, which by the way is one of my favorites, that what goes around comes around. What you sow, you eventually have to reap it. There is no escape and there is no way out. Justice eventually will always be served its like a universal rule.The other attribute I associate with this card is that of balance. We need to bring a balance in our life. Ever thought why we use the symbol of scale for justice? Its because Justice is about balance and equality. What is good is good for all and what is bad is bad for all, no exceptions. You should always treat others the way you want them to treat you because what you do to them will eventually haunt you down and hit you in the face. This card is straight forward, to the point and there is no-nonsense involved.

The Sword in this card represents that. Clarity of mind. We can associate it to the Ace of Swords which is the clear thinking and clarity of thought for me. This symbol represents truth and clarity in matters. We need to see through our actions clearly what we need to do and this will help us in achieving balance.

The Crown, the throne and the cloak all together give a feeling of "royalty" with this person. This shows that this person is in a position to serve the justice. This card may represent legal matters where a judge is involved.

When you look at this card you need to ask yourself, where did I go wrong? Which part of my life is out of balance? which part of me am I neglecting? What have I done to bring this onto myself?

Keywords: karma, decision, legal matters involving court
Astrological Correspondence: Libra (because of the Scale symbol).
Element: Air
Colours: soft pastel feminine colours
Numerological Correspondence: 11- which is considered a master number. It is the ultimate universal teacher. In numerology they always teach you to never reduce the master numbers however if you do reduce 11 to 2 you get The High Priestess, and the association is undeniable because this man is sitting in front of the purple veil, between two pillars, on a stone throne just like The High Priestess. Number 2 is also the number of balance, duality, choice, partnership and crossroads.

As a Person:

If this card represents a person, look for a strong Libra in the chart. If you have no idea about the astrological charts then this person is someone who is extremely just. He can give up on anything just for the sake of making sure justice is served. This person will never force his decisions on you, he will rather work patiently to make you see the point. This person is responsible, honest and true. He has a strong sense for justice.

As a situation:
When you find this card explaining a situation you know you are at a crossroad. There are areas regarding your question which are out of balance and you need to think clearly which areas those are. The surrounding cards may give you hints but this card on its own may represent a legal matter.

You may also be facing a choice leading to a decision. Just make sure you evaluate all your options correctly because every choice you make today will effect your tomorrow.

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