Friday, April 6, 2012

Practice reading !

A reading done on another forum:


The client got a lucky opportunity to join an agency which was kind of matchmaking one. She wanted to know if love was coming her way.

Deck : Rider-Waite Radiant

Card pulled: Ace of Swords
Base card: 7 of Pentacles

Aces are the beginnings, just like number 1 in numerology, Aces in cartomancy. They are always powerful and they always bring something new in your life. The Ace of Sword is the powerful beginning which comes in a rush, in few moments things will start rushing forward and you will be on a roller coaster. The Ace of swords is also the card of having a powerful mental clarity and analytical understanding. You will understand the root of the matter.

The Base card is what lies at the heart of the situation. 7 of Pentacles is the card where a man is standing, he is not sure whether he wants to move forward with his work , he is sure whether whatever he has done so far is right or wrong. This is a period of waiting and standing and analysing what you have done so far, is your strategy right? Are you happy and satisfied with what you have,

For your answer, I will say yes, there is a definite new chapter of your life turning up, but this one will bring lots of mental clarity with it. This agency you are joining, you will get a chance to analyse what was wrong with your life before (love life precisely) and what you need to do now. A word of warning though, the Aces are powerful but they are short-lived, if you wait too long, the energy will be lost so grasp the moment while you have it. Do not think for too long.

Good luck with your new beginning!


I have lost out so many times because of my tendency to think too much. And I will be mindful of your good advisce, I will come back here and keep you updated on my progress

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