Friday, August 3, 2012

How often is enough?

I used to have a strong connection with this teacher whose name is Jade at The Magic Circle School. The very first course I started in the school was the Tarot basics course and Jade was the teacher. My interest in meditation, tarot and lenormand sparkeled after taking this course. Unfortunatley I never could finish the course because I was like half way through when it was closed down by the school. After than Jade has been kind enough to write to me often when she needs a client/question for her students to practice reading tarot. I believe since she had been my First Mentor when I started Tarot she holds a special place in my spiritual world. The meditation techniques she taught me I still use them and very much benefit from them.

Today I received an email from her in which she sent me something about a question which was basically about how often one should do/get a tarot reading.

I have a rule that I do not read for myself in situations where I'm too emotionally involved. e.g If i started seeing a man romantically I will not do, or ask for a reading from anyone. Its mainly because I do not want my judgement to be clouded. I want things to flow on their own, however, I do seek a reading when situation is not clear or when I'm afraid I do not see all the angles of a situation. At these times tarot comes in very handy because it lets me see things beyond my clouded or overly emotional attitude. Other than that when I'm overly desperate I will simply pull one card for my question, no detailed Celtic Cross or 21 cards spreads, plain and simple one card and this one card has proved to work magically. It always gives me the very best results.

For reading for others, sometimes I feel I have extra energy and I need to let it out, then I offer readings on a forum. I usually do 10-50 one card readings with lenormand oracle or a simple deck of playing cards. I have never read for anyone with tarot yet as I'm not sure I know my cards enough as of yet.When I read for those members, desperate for seeking answers it reminds me of the time when I got my first tarot reading on the same forum. Its strange how the client could have so many expectations from a reading. You have a responsibility, you hold the answer they are seeking or they wished they never sought. Its a huge responsibility which I do not take lightly.

However, my experience with tarot says, you can ask all the questions you want, it will always narrow down to your faith and your connection with your angels. Initially when I started reading with tarot, I had no clue whether it was my higher self, my angels, the spirit guides or whatever. I had no clue how to connect to them. But since I established a connection with , what I call, my guardian angel, the way my reading manifest has completely changed. 

To be continued....

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