Monday, August 6, 2012

Week 32 forecast (updated)

Here is my weekly Tarotscope with my own week spread

Theme of the week:
The Seven of Wands as the theme looks like a tough week ahead. My keyword for this card is struggle. We see this man working with full force. His face gives it all. He is determined to get his work done. I will probably be struggling a lot in this week. 

I actually felt physically drained this week. so much tiring stuff to do & dehydration on top. I was also struggling with my emotions going all over the place.
What will occupy me the most:
Ace of Wands as what will occupy me tells me there is a lot of creative energy and physical power and passion going on. I have started a new gym routine which is why I see myself occupied with taking more care of myself this week. This is also marking of a new beginning, and the wands are creative. This card gives me lots of creative power so I will probably be busy creating some new energy in me, to make myself happy.

Most of my time was making something new, bringing some fresh changes in my routine , taking steps to ensure my life gets back on track, starting tests are oDesk, keeping a check on project development, trying to put my emotions in check. everything.
What will be ignored the most:
In this picture, the man is standing in a position as if he is trying to make a decision what to do next. The suit if of Pentacles which means this is related to the material things. I need to make a decision what I have to do in terms of my career (seriously) but I'm just waiting and it looks like I will totally be ignoring this fact that I need to make a decision, what to do next? The position says this is important but it will be ignored. So means I have to make sure I do not ignore this.

I have ignored this aspect, decision making, trying to figure out where to head next.

Actions that need to taken:
Cutting the crap and seeing truth and things clearly. This Ace is the symbol for mental clarity. There are things which have not been making any sense for last two weeks, so this week I need to cut through the crap and look at things more logically.

Yes, I did this. I took an initiative and I tried my best to make sense out of things which were not clear in last week. They are pretty clear now if not entirely crystal.

Ignore this:
I tend to look at the court cards as people instead of feelings or situations or actions. The Queen of Wands is  a fire sign woman, or a woman with fire dominating in her chart. She is party animal, she is where the fun is. She is going on ignore list this week.

This woman can be my aunt I can say. she was trying to spend lot of time with me this week but she had to stay back because of so many Aces with their raw power surrounding me:D

Advice to make the most:
Knight is again a court card but since it is the advice position, I think this card tells me to go on my quest for my feelings, my dreams and my intuition. The knight is moving ahead, slowly, with a cup in his hand, as if guided by his feelings. I need to let my intuition speak louder to me.

I was actually being more sensitive towards sharing my & other people's feelings this week. It was also someone who is younger than me trying to communicate with me,and I was helping him out.

This card tells me I will be more dwelling on the past, and be more pessimistic than usual. There is a good side to this card, that it helps you realize what's still there instead of what has gone wrong.

Well I did find a little disappointment at the end of the week but I'm hopeful. Not all hope is lost (see the two cups still standing).

Looking ahead to the week...

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