Thursday, November 15, 2012

A happy ending!

This reading was done this morning for Honey & Zee who are right now in a friend-lovers zone and zee basically doesn't know where things are heading.

I did a simple Past, Present, Future spread using two cards for each position.

Seven of Pentacles and Wheel of Fortune

We see a stand-still, a waiting period which was probably destined to happen because of the presence of wheel of Fortune. When this card Wheel of Fortune appears, I just take it as a sign from Gods that whatever is happening is not upto you. There is a higher power involved. The Seven of Pentacles is a time when you are waiting for the success to arrive and the fruits of your labour to appear. Things move slow with Pentacles but there is an indication of success if patience is exercised.This combo also indicates waiting for a change of events.

She confirmed that relationship went from strangers to indifferent to hate to friendship to "soft" feelings. The progress has been and is pretty slow but she sees improvement.

Seven of wands and Five of Pentacles

Seven of Wands is basically struggle, where you are usually on the top of the situation. The presence of Five of Pentacles tells me that probably both of them are more occupied with their financial situation and are fighting on that front right now, which is why the relationship is not exactly going anywhere yet.

She confirmed that they both are right now in that state of mind where finances are the major worry.

Knight of Cups & Ten of Cups

The best possible outcome ever! Knight of Cups is the sensitive, romantic lover who can take on the world to save his princess and Ten of Cups is the happy ever after card. Since the Knight can represent a proposal too, I think they might be on a more stable ground to consider emotions, love, happiness and possibly a family together in future. For timing, I will consider the Summer season important as both cards in the future position are Cups and I associate Cups with Summer.

There are Two Sevens in the reading which means inner wisdom and going within is important in this relationship. Two Sevens also indicate self-confidence issues.

There is missing suit of Swords which is the suit of thinking, logic and communication. The missing suit indicates the missing energy from relationship is logical thinking, which by the way is no surprise since this is a love reading, and communication is what needs to be focused more on!

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