Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 12

I started my weekly draw with Tarot by drawing 7 cards and looking at them as a story.

Deck: Tower - Wheel of Fortune - Two of Pentacles - Emperor - Queen of Swords - Eight of Cups - Seven of Swords

The Emperor in the middle is like an emphasis on structure and organizing stuff this week.

The story is like there is some disruption because of an interruption of fate which brings too much on my plate, so I need to organize things and the clouds in Queen's card show some mental ambiguities which will make me search the missing part, wanting an escape while still being tied to what's left behind.

There are 3 cards from Major Arcana, looks like things are not really in my hands. The Swords are dominant among the minor arcana suits and this is an emphasis on analytical thinking and with mercury retrograde, the Seven of Swords looks like being haunted by thoughts from past, from which I find an escape. The suit of Wands is entirely missing which emphasises the Mars retrograde, and that leaves me totally dull and without any drive to act.

I would appreciate some thoughts if anyone has to add anything. I will update it next Sunday. Have a blessed week everyone!

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