Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Eight of Wands, a busy evening!

Today's card:

My book says

With the 8 of Wands, 

  •  everything will take flight and land in happiness and pleasure
  • The movement's in the right direction and you'll get what you've desired
  • There's progress toward a goal, a business idea, a new education, a new relationship, or possibly a positive change in the environment. 
Definitely a positive change in my life. For last couple of days, because of some heavy Moon Transits against Saturn, I was feeling emotionally wrecked. It was really hard focusing on anything but loses, tensions, depression and duties. Today was relaxing because, I was feeling relieved, renewed and I had some bonding time with my family. The positive change has actually got me happy. The caption for this card is

Change, Love, Happiness


  1. For me,8 of Wands mean olso a news,a message.

  2. Yes it says it can be a news in many books and reference material but I did not receive any news or message.
