Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week 15: Two of Cups

I have decided to pull a weekly card and then meditate on the card through the week and also see how it shows its energy in both my waking life and my dreams.

This card is of special importance this week. The very first reason is that few days ago I put the header picture on my blog, which has this very card in it. I put it there because this is my favourite card when I meditate for attracting love and abundance of support in my life. The second reason this card is important because this card appeared in my draw when I was in my last romantic relationship. It was very fulfilling and intense at very deep levels. Third, if you register on site, they ask you if you would like to receive email from them which gives you meanings of a card. If you subscribe, you ocassionaly get an email with one card, randomly chosen and its meaning. The card are chosen at random because they hold a special message for you at that time. The card I received this week was, Yes, Two of Cups.

When I mediated on this card, I got forllowing meanings:

Union, Partnership, First meeting, Man making the move, Coming together.
Last night I saw that very man in the dream who I was in relationship with and pulled this card for us. Its strange but worth noting.

April 15, 2012

Last night again, I saw someone in my dream. This person is someone I don't know but he is usually in my dreams, helping me and supporting me. I remember calling him with names like "honey" and "darling" in the dream. This is when I say my dreams are becoming better than my realities.
The week for 2 of cups has been over today. This week I learnt a lot about adjustments, about seeing a new side of myself, which I have not yet worked completely with but we will try to live in the same body over next few months. I have started to learn basic things about putting the foundation for a life where I have to take responsibilities, make sacrifices, adjust and be kind and polite to others. I think I have taken my very first steps towards setting up a home and a family (just like the house in the background in this card). The task is hard, very hard, its actually making me bend down, but it seems like the universe really wants me to know that relationships require patience and sacrificing.

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